Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Tim Panagos, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Microshare.io.
Tim Panagos is an entrepreneur, philosopher, engineer, and co-founder and Chief Technology Office at Microshare.io, which combines wireless data sources to allow better decision making while respecting the privacy of the individuals. Microshare’s Universal Contact Tracing solution has been adopted globally as the centerpiece of comprehensive COVID-19 responses. Tim is an AI industry veteran with more than 25-years of developing data-driven applications for banking, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing companies. He studied computer science at the University of New Hampshire and holds a Masters in the Management of Technology from MIT.
Tim has been working on how organizations can be data-driven while allowing individuals to maintain agency and privacy in the face of higher resolution Digital Twins, created by online and offline digital measurements. Lately, this topic has become the core of the public’s reaction to Contact Tracing as a key component of COVID-19 response. How can businesses use surveillance tools to allow a safer return to work without alienating either their staff or customers? What should individuals be prepared to sacrifice in exchange for greater well-being in the face of the pandemic and beyond?
Recent articles in New York Times that we referred to on this episode:
Website: wwww.microshare.io
Twitter ID: @microshare_cto
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste’s, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
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