Dr. Heidi and Claudia Romo Edelman talk building bridges, training natural capability to connect, humanity and being human.
Claudia Romo Edelman Co-Host of Global GoalsCast Podcast & Special Adviser to the We Are All Human Foundation. Claudia is an advocate for the social contract, removing social divisions and highlighting universal values to remind everyone that we are all human. She is currently a Special Adviser at the United Nations and the We Are All Human Foundation, whose mission is to advance an agenda of equity, inclusion and representation. She is also the Co-Host of ‘Global GoalsCast’, a podcast distributed by CBS News Digital, which highlights global progress through the stories of champions making a difference. She recently announced a collaboration with Arianna Huffington and Thrive Global to expand into Thrive Hispanics, a digital platform to highlight and celebrate the role models and champions in the Hispanic community and provide a platform for them to share best practices and offer mentorship.
Prior to this, the Mexican-Swiss diplomat was seconded to the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to lead communications and advocacy for the Sustainable Development Goals. Claudia is the former Chief of Advocacy of UNICEF. Living for 25 years in Europe, she successfully led public relations, brand and marketing for global organizations including the World Economic Forum, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB & Malaria.
A frequent public speaker on development and humanitarian affairs, Claudia holds degrees in Communications, Philosophy and Photography as well as a Masters of Political Communications from the London School of Economics. Claudia has two children, enjoys sports and speaks six languages.
website: https://globalgoalscast.org
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gisiger
Twitter ID: @claudiagonzalez
Instagram : claudiaromoedelman
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